Chris grew up in South Africa with surfing, rugby and athletics dominating his school years. Whilst at University in England, Chris twice represented Great Britain at the world triathlon championships. In 1985 he entered The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst serving as an Officer in 3 Commando Brigade for sixteen years.
On leaving the British Army, Chris held senior management roles in two FTSE100 companies, before focussing on leadership coaching: initially with Tom Peters Company in London, and then in 2007 to co-found Quest Leadership Ltd.
Chris has a deep well of experiences in elite sport, combat and commercial operations to draw on, not just as an executive coach, but as one of only four Kouzes & Posner Certified Masters based in Europe, to train and accredit other coaches as well as fulfil public speaking engagements.
Chris’ interests include cycling, scuba diving and working hard on being a better husband and dad.