Kouzes & Posner Leadership Framework
A leadership framework which we often use with our clients, and which considers leadership in its broadest context, is one developed by former academics, Jim Kouzes & Barry Posner, who have been working together in the leadership development field for over thirty years. Their leadership framework has been used by corporate organisations, government bodies and education authorities with around 3 million users to date.
The framework is both straightforward to understand and follow, yet rigorous in its construction. It is based on behaviours relating to the following five practices:
• Modeling the Way
• Inspiring a Shared Vision
• Challenging the Process
• Enabling Others to Act
• Encouraging the Heart
We can initiate the Kouzes & Posner Leadership Practices Inventory 360 feedback tool (or LPI 360) which allows leaders to ask colleagues and others for anonymised feedback on their leadership capability to help them develop a consistent leadership style over time.
For clients who wish to develop a bespoke leadership framework reflecting their specific values and culture we can help them do so as discussed in the Consulting section.